Thomas Lafoe Hearing November 2, 2011 Update

There’s something totally different about attending a court hearing in person as opposed to watching it on television. Take today, for example. We barely made it to the courthouse on time and I left my purse in the car to get through security only to find that the escalator was down. Using a combination of elevator and stairs, I made it in time even beating Judge Ley into the courtroom while SB was parking the car.Once the new defense attorney and the prosecutor got started, the people in front of me were talking and the lady across the aisle was having a conference with her attorney crouched next to her. So I stood up so I could hear. I’m sure the bailiff thought I was nuts. But I got what I came for.

via Thomas Lafoe Hearing November 2, 2011 Update.

About 5redherrings

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